Sine 2009 - 16 Years of experience
About us

Heaven Valley Home stay

Heaven Valley Home stay was founded by Mr. Phurba Tamang in the year 2009. Located in the top of the village gives a complete view of the Sillery Gaon . Heaven Valley Home stay rooms are warm, traditional, cozy and well furnished. We have 7 deluxe and 10 standard rooms with attached toilet and a dining hall to enjoy the fire local delicacies.

At Heaven Valley Home Stay you can experience local cuisines, traditional folk songs, and traditional cooking using firewood in chulas. Get ready to get gripped by the earthy and natural forest surroundings.

The simplicity of the village folks with good standards in home stay hospitability at Heaven Valley Home stay is a sweet treat to visitors amidst natural surroundings in the middle of the forest.

One can visit Sillery throughout the year except monsoon months. It is very cold there during winter months; so, carry adequate warm clothes if you intend to visit in winter.

Mr. Nirnay Tamang

Sillery Heaven Valley Home Stay

About Host

Hi , I’m Nirnay Tamang your host at Sillary heaven valley, a local boy with deep roots in the community,passionate about travelling, sustainable living and cultural preservation. More than five years of hosting experience. I am always happy to offer tips on local attractions and hidden gems.

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